Category Archives: Meme Days

Day 30: Meme Challenge

Day 30 – A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.

  1. I spent time with family and friends (3 WICKED concerts included!).
  2. I moved into my new house
  3. I got my transferred into my old position in the Infant Program

This is the end of the Meme Challenge. I can finally get back to writing about GAMES!!! … and what perfect timing too! October 26th is going to be the best day EVER!

I picked up the New Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock … so I will be playing that tonight 🙂

I’m still off XBOX Live until Sunday afternoon, but that doesn’t mean I’m not playing 😉 I love going home and attempting to maneuver through my new house which is scattered with furniture and boxes … just to play games!! 🙂 I have my priorities established, not to worry!

Day 28: Meme Challenge

Day 28 – Your favorite movie.

I’m pretty sure this was covered in my favourite actor (Click here to see the Day 16 Post). It is American History X. I think the acting was phenomenal, the story line was heartbreaking amazing, and the actors… HOTT!! Edward Norton and Edward Furlong… nice mix!

I will try to find my film studies paper and post it up. I believe it’s on my broken laptop though…

Day 27: Meme Challenge

Day 27 – A picture of you last year and now and how have you changed since then?

I don’t think I have changed much since last year. I would like to think I am the same person.

August 16, 2009

However, when I stop to think about this… I have changed. I changed a lot in the past year. Or at least my daily life has changed. In September last year, I was still attending classes while working full time. I’m done school for now (I might take a couple more courses in the new year).

I was working with Toddlers (18 months-3 years). Since then, I have worked in 2 other programs (3-5 years and Infants under 22 months). I am in the Infant Program now and I love it. I love all the programs equally. Each one provides a different perspective and experience working with children. I guess I’m just a sucker for kids! I miss the 3-5 year olds because I could have conversations with them about their experiences. They are rather entertaining! The one day… a little boy came up to me and asked me what was on my face. I told him I had no idea, so we went to a mirror so I could see. Sure enough… it was a pimple! I told him that’s what it was, and he wanted to know why I had it and where it came from… and so the science of acne came out. Gross subject, but kids love to learn! We were able to talk about different types of skin, soaps, and how the body reacts to the environment. I seem to recall a couple days afterwards, he noticed it was gone and he commented on how it wasn’t there anymore!

I am living in a new house. As of today actually. So that’s new. I will have a new room to decorate and set up with my lovely little xbox. I am currently living out of boxes and I am without internet. Everything should be up and running by Sunday!

In December last year, my Dad died. He had a heart attack.

Most of December, January, and February was concentrated on putting my life back together. My Dad’s death was the first member of my immediate family to die.

The way I saw my family changed. People started acting differently. Some became verbally abusive, and others actually got physically abusive with my mom. It’s starting to get better now, but I am still very worried about my mom.

Shortly after my Dad died, I lost 2 friends. One of my old girlfriends from High School. She committed suicide; and an old friend from my days working at Chapters died from an accident. This just confirmed that people die. I had never experienced the loss of a family member or friend before, so I had no idea what it felt like to the people left behind. It hurts. Knowing that someone is gone, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it!

I had to get back to work and put my own life back together. There are bills to pay 😉

I was very focused on my full time course load at school and my full time job. I also had to do a practicum on top of my assignments. Basically I was exhausted until June!

The summer was really nice. I travelled a bit through the states and explored the local hidden gems. I was still at work full time, so I only had weekends and evenings free… but I enjoyed every moment of it!

In July, there was a family gathering (with people from out of town). We had a mini service for my Dad. We spread some ashes and said goodbye. I was feeling a bit better. I had accepted that he was gone.

But… at the beginning of August, my older brother died. His canoe flipped and he didn’t make it to shore on time. I shared most of my feelings with my blog (and the virtual world), as I was going through them.

This really stuck me hard as well. Not only did I have to understand and accept he was gone, I had to alter my family life schema again. I am without my Dad or my eldest Brother. I was feeling lost. I felt like I had no control over anything and I was terribly sad. I suppose that is something different than a year ago.

If we are talking about physical changes, I haven’t changed much. I have grown out most of the black hair dye (so my hair is finally it’s natural colour…dark brown). I still weigh the same, and I’m the same height. It’s possible that I’ve aged a bit 😉 … but that comes with age!

I never would have expected so many life altering events to occur in one year. I suppose the events have changed me. I have changed. I am different than I was a year ago.

September 27, 2009

Day 25: Meme Challenge

Day 25 – What’s in your purse?

I actually don’t own a purse. I have a backpack. I keep everything in it! I have my netbook, charger, a book (currently the English translation of the Quran… but it’s often a graphic novel). I have some personals (money, bus pass etc), and my huge amount of make up (mascara and a mirror!) 😉

I hate carrying stuff. I would rather not have anything with me but I would be insanely bored!

This photo was taken on my way to Hedley... and you can see my lovely little BACKPACK!!! 🙂

Day 24: Meme Challenge

Day 24 – A photo of something that means a lot to you.

Gah!! I wish this was someONE … it would be an entire post about lll KiRa lll <3.

Want to know something really sad, my xbox elite means a lot to me… I could travel the world and do anything as long as I had my trusty little XBOX with me. I actually packed it and brought it along to New Zealand. I brought speakers, a monitor, power converters and all my XBOX games and extras. I couldn’t leave home for a few months without it!! I didn’t actually end up playing it while I was in New Zealand, because we drove around the country and spent a HUGE amount of time camping and sightseeing.

I was watching "Bolt" in the background!

Day 23: Meme Challenge

Day 23 – 15 facts about you.

  1. I play video games for fun
  2. I have lots of post-secondary education (5 degrees)
  3. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall
  4. I love the colour green
  5. My favourite food is sushi
  6. My favourite drink is black coffee (Americano’s… espresso shots and hot water!)
  7. I just got transferred into the Infant Program (and I love it!)
  8. I am a concert junkie
  9. I hate olives. I will pick them out of salad dressing. They are so gross!
  10. I wish I ate meat sometimes… but then I remember that “meat” was a living breathing animal and I change my mind. I just can’t bring myself to eat meat 😦
  11. I love the city! I love the bustling craziness of walking down a crowded street.
  12. Strangers talk to me ALL THE TIME! I will be walking down the street and a random stranger will strike up a conversation with me. One time, I was in a clothing store and a little old lady started telling me her whole life story. How she immigrated to Canada, how many years she spent as a nanny. That she got married, had children (she named them and told me a bit about their lives…she was a proud grama!)… and so on.
  13. I find wonder in the smallest moments of every day life. I adore the world that surrounds me and I am so thankful for everything that I have.
  14. I want to travel everywhere and see everything!
  15. I try not to stress the small stuff. I believe in stupid little quotes and I think that everything happens for a reason; and when one door closes another one opens. I believe that life gives you what you can handle and people learn from their experiences. If they don’t learn, they will continue going through the same sort of thing, until they’ve accomplished what was necessary. I believe that William Purkey said it best:
      “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching,
      Love like you’ll never be hurt,
      Sing like there’s nobody listening,
      And live like it’s heaven on earth.”

Day 22: Meme Challenge

Day 22 – A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Dear Derek,

I don’t know how to start off this letter. I am suppose to write to someone who has hurt me recently. I know you didn’t hurt me on purpose, but I have never felt pain like this. I need you. I wish that you were still here. I hate that you’re gone.

People ask me what happened to you… almost daily. I have to explain to them why I feel sad. Why I walk around without smiling. Why I have changed.

The answer is that I am sad. I try to hide my feelings, I try to appear happy. I miss you and it breaks my heart that you are gone.

It was hard enough when Dad died in December. 8 months Derek.

8 months…

8 months…

I can’t even begin to fathom the loss that Mom is going through.

I hate that you’re dead.

I wish you would have left the boat. I wish you swam to shore with David and Shelly. I know you were just waiting for David to bring Shelly to shore and come back to get the boat with you. I know that if you had any idea that your life was in danger, you wouldn’t have given it all up to hold on to that damned thing. Hypothermia… the water was so cold, but after a while it is probably numbing.

I hate that you were out there for so long by yourself.

I wish someone was there to help you. I wish that you felt the cold and started swimming to shore. I wish so many different scenarios and options. I know that nothing changes the fact that you’re gone, but I still think about the different outcomes that could have happened.

It hurts me to know that David tried so hard to bring you back, and then he was left on the island with your body for hours before Search and Rescue arrived. All of his strength brought you to shore. He tried so hard to bring you back with CPR. I feel absolutely terrible for David, and his final memories of being with you. He closed your eyes. You were more than just his brother. You were his best friend. I can feel his loss when I am with him.

I have to catch myself when I’m talking about coming out there. I am so used to saying “Derek and David”. Just like I would refer to our parents as “Mom and Dad”.

It took me months to change my caller ID for our parents. It said “Mom and Dad”. I had to change it to “Mom’s cell”, because I would get terribly upset when mom called and I saw Mom and Dad.

Derek, the last time that we were together, I got to hug you and we were able to remember Dad together, and briefly talk about your new job and my terrible addiction to video games! You were with me when we spread his ashes. That was a month before you died. You sat on the rocks for a long time. You helped to push the ashes out. You said your own little prayers and said goodbye. I knew that would be the place where you would go to rest when you died. I did not think it would be so soon after Dad.

I don’t know anyone else who has hurt me. At least not really hurt me or recently. I haven’t been able to say goodbye to you yet. I don’t think I ever will. I will always hold on the memory of you. I mean, really… you were just 32 years old when you died. A fluke accident. A terrible tragedy. It wasn’t even a stupid mistake. YOU did everything right. You wore a life jacket, you held onto the boat, you called for help. You just didn’t make it to the shore alive.

Since you are not with me, I hope you’re with Dad and anyone else who was special in your life that has passed away. Please send my love to Dad (and let him know that Mom is doing much better)… Tell Jess that I said “Hello… and Tish loves her”.

I want to wish you peace and assurance that we are all going to be alright. In time… we will be alright.

I really wish you were here.

Love your little sister.

Day 21: Meme Challenge

Day 21 – A photo of something that makes you happy.

Since this is a photograph of someTHING that makes me happy and not someONE… I will have to go with the Sun. I love sunshine! I love the downpour of light and heat. I’m not a full hater of the rain, but I feel so happy when I have sunshine! In British Columbia, it rains about 80% of the year. People need to take vitamin D supplements because they are lacking in sunshine. Maybe that’s why I like it.. it’s a novelty!

When I was travelling in Mexico I actually got too hot from the humidity. That’s different. I don’t like to be sweaty and gross. I just like the sunshine. I think 30 degrees is a beautiful temperature.

Day 20: Meme Challenge

Day 20 – The meaning behind your blog name.

My blog was started with the intention of writing purely about games. I wanted an excuse to spend so much time playing video games. My idea of fun was spending my evenings and weekends playing games. I had created an online community of friends and I loved it!

However, my friends in real life didn’t understand my rather huge obsession, so I decided to do something more concrete and creative with my gaming experiences.

This blog was supposed to be a representation of my gaming experiences. When I started writing, people were sending me messages asking to know more about me (…thanks! That was so sweet <3). I did a couple posts about myself and kept writing about games.

There was a couple tragic events that happened and I ended up sharing them with my blog… and blog readers. So I suppose the blog name should be updated to include “my life” rather than “video games”. It’s not too specific.

Check out this post to see how buying the domain name and deleting my operating system helped out my process! 😉

June 15 Blog Post

June 21 Blog Post

If you want more details, click on Meme Challenge to view upcoming blog topics! :)

Day 19: Meme Challenge

Day 19 – Another picture of yourself.

Woohoo! This one I can do. I love taking photos of myself. I know… vain… but it’s fun! I have always like photographs. Yes, even when I was a tad bigger. Photography was my favourite class in High School, and I would have continued studying it in University if there were jobs. Sadly, photography jobs are few and far between, and I wanted to work when I was finished school.

If you want more details, click on Meme Challenge to view upcoming blog topics! 🙂